About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Revista Argentina de Terapia Intensiva is the official magazine of the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva (SATI).

Its objective is to promote research and dissemination of the scientific production of intensivist professionals within the Argentine community and in other Latin American countries.

It publishes unpublished or original works, clinical or experimental, in the area of ​​critical care and intensive care. The frequency of editing is quarterly. All works go through a rigorous selection process, which provides a high quality of what is published.

The contents of the magazine reach multiple specialties and professions, mainly to doctors, nurses, kinesiologists and technicians linked to intensive care and critical care. It is also aimed at professionals from other areas who perceive in their practice, the need to add information regarding critical medicine.

Peer review process

Each manuscript is received and reviewed by the writing committee that decides if it meets the requirements to be entered into the peer review process. The review process is double blind (author and reviewer / s anonymized) by one or two external reviewers. After this revision, the responsible author is notified about the acceptance (with or without corrections and changes) or about the rejection of the manuscript. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to introduce, with the knowledge of the authors, all the editorial changes required by the grammatical norms, the style of the journal and the needs for layout.

Publication frequency

The Revista Argentina de Terapia Intensiva incorporates as of the year 2021 the continuous publication system, where once accepted after the review, the articles are published after correction and layout. This reduces publication times since it is not necessary to wait for each article to belong to a number. The idea of publication by numbers is abandoned and the concept of publishing articles is passed.

Open access policy


Openning/Free Access to the contents published in this magazine is open, free and free, in full text and without temporary embargoes
Editorial Processing Chargues (EPC) Revista Argentina de Terapia Intensiva does not charge editorial processing charges for articles. The costs of the correction, editing and distribution services of the approved works are financed by the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva.
Copyright Policies The magazine does not retain the rights of reproduction (copyright) so the authors can republish their works with the sole mention of the original publication source.
Self-archiving policies uthors can archive the pre and post-print (final version edited by the magazine) in repositories, blogs, institutional pages, or any other electronic means. Sherpa / Romeo (green color).
Creative Commons License  Licencia Creative Commons
This work is under a Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.










Ethical code

The Revista Argentina de Terapia Intensiva is committed to meeting and maintaining standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We join industry associations, such as Elsevier's Publishing Ethics Committee (COPE) and Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK), which set standards and provide guidelines for best practices to meet these requirements. Below is a summary of these for editors, authors and reviewers:

  • Ensure the confidentiality of the authors' data in the review process.
  • Ensure the custody of unaccepted texts and explain how they are destroyed.
  • Define and explain the acceptance criteria of the articles for review.
  • Avoid favor deals to the detriment of other authors.
  • Have no conflict of interest in relation to the texts presented.
  • Do not make any use of the texts or the data presented in them, beyond those of being published.
  • Establish clear review criteria and objectives to avoid the subjectivity of the reviewers.
  • Establish clear deadlines to respond to the authors on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the text.
  • Review suspected incidents of plagiarism and resolve any conflict of interest.
  • Evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or the authors' political philosophy.

Plagiarism Control Policy

The magazine's policy is to publish original works, written by those who declare their authorship, and unpublished, they may not have been previously published in any printed or electronic medium.
In order to control and improve the magazine, it implements the following strategies to avoid plagiarism of publications, namely:

  1. At the time of submitting an article, the authors are asked to declare that the article has not been previously published or sent to other journals for evaluation. Furthermore, they are asked to declare that they are following the Guidelines for Authors, which establish that the articles to be submitted must be original.
  2. Upon receiving it -and prior to beginning the evaluation process-, Internet search tools are used in order to track other works by the authors and collate the title, fragments of the abstract, the methodological section and the results of the article submitted for review, in order to corroborate the originality and avoid plagiarism.
  3. When sending it to evaluate the peer reviewers, the evaluators are also asked to pay attention to possible indicators of plagiarism, since they are the ones who know the sources and the literature on the subject.