“Biochemists at the front line”: evaluation of working situation of biochemists during COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina (April-August 2021)
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Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, biochemists have played a fundamental role in the front line, involved in the diagnosis and monitoring of this disease. In this study, we seek to know their real working situation in this context, as well as to inform us about how they were affected by the degree of stress derived from the tension to which they have been subjected in the development of their activities. We use the survey method, in which biochemists from all over the country participated.
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How to Cite
Castro M, Iñiguez M del C, Moneau C. “Biochemists at the front line”: evaluation of working situation of biochemists during COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina (April-August 2021) . Rev Arg de Ter Int. [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];39. Available from: https://revista.sati.org.ar/index.php/MI/article/view/804
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1- https://www.who.int/es/news/item/27-04-2020-who-timeline---covid-19
2-Lipsitch M, Swerdlow DL, Finelli L. Defining the epidemiology of Covid-19—studies needed. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382(13):1194-6.
3- Ibar C, Zopatti D, Fabre B et al. Evaluation of stress, burnout and hair cortisol levels in health workers at a University Hospital during COVID-19 pandemic. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2021 Jun;128:105213. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105213. Epub 2021 Apr 1.
4-Spinelli A, Pellino G. COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives on an unfolding crisis. Br J Surg. 2020; 107(7):785-7.
4-Appiani FJ, Rodríguez Cairoli F, Sarotto (h) L, Yaryour C, et al. Prevalencia de estrés, síndrome de desgaste profesional, ansiedad y depresión en médicos de un hospital universitario durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Arch Argent Pediatr 2021;119(x):000-000.
5-Denzin, N. K. y Lincoln, Y. S. 1994. «Introduction: entering the field of qualita-
tive research», en N. K. Denzin e Y. S. Lincoln (eds.), Handbook of Qua-
litative Research. Thousand Oaks, California, Sage.
5-Vasilachis de Gialdino, I. (2013) “Investigación Cualitativa: Metodologías, Estrategias, Perspectivas, Propósitos”. Barcelona: Gedisa.