Interdiscipline in Intensive Care: experience from Social Work

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Debora Solange Lema


The incorporation of Social Work to the dynamics of Intensive Therapies constitutes an infrequent practice in the institutional organization of the closed area. Many times the scope of the social gaze, focused on the narrative, experiences and environment of the patients, do not seem to coincide with the times and needs of the biological intervention that seeks care in times of crisis and the need to "save lives". However, there is much that can be contributed to interdisciplinary work, a process that requires training, aptitude, openness and mutual learning in terms of language and skills.

ICU admission and critical illness have an impact on the patient and the environment, often exceeding the competencies of the specialty for its containment and management, especially in dilemma situations and end-of-life processes. Social Work intervention can contribute and have a positive impact on decision-making processes, the caring capacity of the family/environment, the relationship with the health team, the early management of social resources for the early planning of possible discharges/adaptation to post ICU sequelae; and improve quality of care.

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Lema DS. Interdiscipline in Intensive Care: experience from Social Work. Rev Arg de Ter Int. [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];40(mayo). Available from:
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