Speech-Language Pathology Management in Chronic Critical Patients with Tracheostomy: A Systematic Approach

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Agustina Davancens
Carolina Baigorri
Mercedes Albeverio
Raúl Ángel Sabena
María Florencia Guarriello
Nancy Mantiñan
Ignacio Romero
Md. Carla Garay


IIntroduction: Chronic critically ill patients who have survived the initial injury and experience persistent organ failure require specialized care. Many of them depend on life support, enteral feeding, and tracheostomy. An interdisciplinary approach is essential for their stabilization and functional recovery. The role of the speech-language pathologist is crucial for providing early and effective clinical interventions, focuses on detecting, assessing, and rehabilitating communication and swallowing disorders. Objective: Describe the speech-language pathology intervention, using a flowchart implemented at our institution, for chronic critically ill patients with tracheostomy, in order to systematize the management of the aerodigestive crossroads and facilitate the decannulation process. Conclusion: The proposed flowchart highlights the importance of a systematic speech-language pathology intervention, offering a valuable framework that could improve clinical outcomes and reduce complications in settings with varied resources. However, it may not be applicable to other institutions where speech-language pathologists are not available.

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Davancens A, Baigorri C, Albeverio M, Sabena R Ángel, Guarriello MF, Mantiñan N, et al. Speech-Language Pathology Management in Chronic Critical Patients with Tracheostomy: A Systematic Approach. Rev Arg de Ter Int. [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 18 [cited 2024 Oct. 28];41. Available from: https://revista.sati.org.ar/index.php/MI/article/view/897


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