Prevalence of cardiovascular compromise in patients hospitalized for COVID-19.

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Judith Mailén Vicentin
Pablo Ezequiel Sarmiento


Introduction. Of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 infection, they have a mortality of 10-15%, and can reach 40-50% in severe forms. These patients can develop cardiovascular complications, myocardial damage (7-28%) and thrombosis (17.5%) being the most frequent, associated with a risk of hospital adverse events (need for mechanical ventilation, arrhythmias and death).

Objetive. Determine the prevalence of cardiovascular complications in Covid-19, identify these complications, and determine the risk factors for short-term mortality.

Materials and methods. Retrospective cohort study, including patients who were admitted to our institution with a diagnosis of Covid-19 infection, from January 2020 to May 2021. Cardiovascular events were considered myocardial injury, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Cerebrovascular Accident, syncope and myocarditis.

Results. 625 patients diagnosed with Covid-19 who were hospitalized within a period of 16 months were included. The prevalence of cardiovascular complications in these patients was 28.7%, the most frequently found being myocardial injury (23.5%), followed in frequency by TEPA (2.6%), DVT (1.4%), AMI (0.2%), stroke (0.3 %), syncope (0.5%) and myocarditis (0.2%). Of the patients who presented myocardial injury, 77.6% required ARM, and 85.5% died. Overall mortality was 10.9%.

Conclusion: The development of cardiovascular complications was higher in patients with a previous cardiovascular history, the elevation of cardiac biomarkers such as hs-TnT was associated with a worse prognosis, with a greater progression towards death and/or MRA requirement. Arterial hypertension and the condition of overweight and obesity were identified as predictors of mortality in the first place.

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How to Cite
Vicentin JM, Sarmiento PE. Prevalence of cardiovascular compromise in patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Rev Arg de Ter Int. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 6 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];40(noviembre). Available from:


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